Christmas in Korea - the Loneliest Time of Year?

So here I am typing this blog post at my desk at school the day after Christmas Day, which is an extremely strange feeling for me as I’m not used to working today. You see, in Ireland, the 26 th of December is known as St. Stephens’ Day. Who is St. Stephen you ask? To be honest, I really don’t have a clue. All I know is that he’s another saint that Ireland clings to and that in the past, a few fellas would capture a wren bird , stick him on top of a pole and parade him around the town. Don’t ask me why lads, just another one of those weird traditions I guess! Personally, I like to call it “ Leftover Turkey Day ” because at home, families usually pig out and eat the remaining food from Christmas Day. I’ve been trying pretty hard to stay away from Social Media for the day so the dreaded homesickness doesn’t set in, yet again. In order to distract myself, I’m going to give you an idea of how Christmas is celebrated here in South Korea and why it can be so difficul...